Account Information


Hello my friend!

Here is a small topic, but a really important before you making an account.

Please note, that you are creating an account on a money based platform that requires from you make payments and provide documents for the verification process.
That’s why we want you to make sure that all registration data you are entering is CORRECT!

By accepting Terms and Conditions, you are fully aware that during the registration process, you must enter valid information of your personal data. But why?
Measurements of the casino strictly forbidden players to enter a correct data during the registration process in order to verify their entered data.

Most common mistakes that players make when creating a new account, is:

– adding a nickname, not a Name and Surname;
– adding wrong date of birth;
– adding the address where they don’t live or don’t live legally (for example, living with their partners, but not registered in that place);
– adding the wrong country, to avoid restrictions of the casino.

Be informed, that adding false data – is forbidden by the casino’s Terms and Conditions and may be resulted as a false date and avoiding casino rules. This action can be resulted in winnings confiscation and account closing, based on how serious is your data being added false.

We highly recommend you to add correct data. Adding false data for your own personal security reasons – is WRONG! Please note, that your account is secured by the Data Retention and GDPR (more information can be found in this topic).
By creating an account with false data – your activity may be accepted as fraudulence activity and you may be blocked in the entire casino structure under the same license.

If you are currently have active casino accounts with wrong information, he recommend you to contact a casino support in order to change personal data.

We hope that this topic helped you.

Good Lucky my friend!